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XReco’s Approach to Design and Exploitation

May 10, 2023|Events|

XReco (eXtended Reality mEdia eCOsystem) is an ecosystem for frictionless and permissioned 2D and 3D content transformation, creation, curation, and transaction. Our streamlined and efficient integration of technology results in improved content creation and search and retrieval, and thus a more efficient pipeline for customers and users.

NeRF and XReco: Transforming Immersive Content

April 1, 2023|Project Updates|

Explore the innovative world of XR content creation with XReco’s NeRF testing. Join FFP Productions as they evaluate the capabilities of Neural Radiance Fields Technology (NeRF) and its potential impact on immersive experiences. Discover the fusion of 2D and 3D realms, blurring the lines between reality and virtuality. Watch the video to see the progress and possibilities.

Revolutionising the Media Industry: Introducing XReco

October 1, 2022|Project Updates|

XReco, an acronym for eXtended Reality mEdia eCOsystem, is a groundbreaking project co-funded by the European Commission to revolutionise the media industry. The objective is to create a novel, data-centric ecosystem that facilitates data sharing, exploration and retrieval, while fostering the development of news and entertainment content in XR (Extended Reality).

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