What an exciting first year for XReco! It’s been 12 months since we have kicked off our innovative project. Today, we take a look at our vision and mission, and our next steps.
Making XR a natural part of the Media Ecosystem
About a year ago, we started this adventure into a new reality, where AR, VR and other Immersive Experiences will mature from the occasional “New Media” experiment to an integral part of the new “Media”. Several aspects in Extended Reality need to change to make this possible, mainly how we find, create, and share XR experiences.
While many experiences are already available on various devices and platforms, standardisation can help a lot to make sure they don’t get lost in the archives after their short lifetime as a public promotional project. We aim to extend Search and Retrieval so that users can not only find the experiences on platforms but also search objects IN such experiences, just like we can search and find objects of interest inside a text or video today.
Building and experiencing new realities
Before it can be integrated into a fast-paced media landscape, especially when it comes to creating News Media. Based on new, AI-supported technologies, XReco will provide a complete, consistent workflow. It will enable creators to identify relevant 2D sources in existing archives and transform them into 3D objects and scenes. Based on these scenes and objects they can then create interactive XR experiences. The reconstruction of objects, buildings, even humans, and the composition into interactive experiences in VR and AR will be demonstrated for News Media, Tourism and In-Car Entertainment. Beyond that, we strive to build an ecosystem that will be open to welcome and support other areas of use as we find them along the way. We will be networking with the industry and organise joint business clinics where we invite experts from multiple areas to share their needs and ideas.
Sharing is caring
Lastly, we define this ecosystem as an organic, open, and orchestrated community where interested entities from all sorts of fields can bring in their expertise; experts from technologies and science, content creation, and media rights, human-centred design and relevance-based business modelling.
The 20 partners of the XReco consortium envisage a B2B platform which covers the whole value chain: from (1) inspiration and investigation via (2) ethical and fair creation to (3) sharing of new experiences. This will include contributions from and to creators in and outside the XReco consortium.
As an ecosystem is shaped by its organisms, we aim to remain open for the ever-evolving needs of the XR Community by frequent exchange in workshops, events, and in our own learning community. Beyond close collaboration with several partner projects, we are always interested in learning from you. Join the XR ecosystem and follow our communication channels at :
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